Proven Tips to Develop ‘ Stem and Leaf’ Plot to Organize your Collected Data

A stem and leaf show (likewise called a stem and leaf plot) is a graphical strategy for showing information. It is especially helpful when the information is discrete. A stem and leaf plot is like a histogram with more accuracy.  A decent ste ..Read More

Master’s Dissertation: What It Takes To Write It?

Are you a Master's student? Are you afraid of writing your Masters dissertation? If you want your degree without following any cumbersome steps, then, you should know what it takes to write a perfect Masters dissertation paper. In the following l ..Read More

How do Research Skills Help in Building a Career Outside Academia?

Performing research not just adds value to the academic career but also leads to personal development. During the PhD journey, one doesn’t merely learn about a research topic. Additionally, he/she learn core skills which can be applied in acade ..Read More

Top 5 Data Visualisation Tools to Present your Information in an Effective Pattern

Data collection has now become easy with access and availability to various sources. However, when huge amounts of data are put into tabular report or spreadsheets, it becomes hard to view its inherent structure, trends, patterns or relationships. Th ..Read More

Know the 4 Most Influential ‘Information Technology’ Research Topics for 2019

Information Technology, including database, design, support, administration of computer etc, plays a crucial role in the era of Internet. One cannot deny the fact that advancements in Information Technology have brought the world closer. Today, this ..Read More

Revealed! Top 5 Trending Research Topics in the field of Power Electronics

As per a recent survey, around 60% of the power generation across the globe is being processed through some form of power electronic systems. Although the use of power electronics started in the late sixties, the technology attained popularity only a ..Read More

The 6 Most Commonly used Softwares in Civil Engineering Research works

Software plays a determinant role in research works, especially in fields such as business management, medicine, construction or engineering. If you are conducting extensive research, it becomes important to use appropriate software/ tools for analyz ..Read More

Do U Need a Student Grant? Check out How!

This post is going to serve great to those seeking grant. It summarizes the tips and the method for applying for student grant or fellowships. To begin with, at the formative stage, you need to know exactly where all you are going to apply. Or in ..Read More

How to Write a Literature Review

In order to start off with a research work, it is needed to cite the related works done by the previous researchers in different contexts, and following the same theoretical foundation. Unless that part is done, it is always hard for a researcher to ..Read More

Quantitative Vs Qualitative Research

Quantitative research can be applied to quantifiable facets of a problem; its findings can suggest solutions to what, where and when type questions. It includes methods of inference, experiment and simulation. Inference based methods seeks to establi ..Read More